Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Go, go Speed Racer, go!

I was on my daily walk (just started this week) and went down by the freeway.  I got this great idea to take pictures of the cars passing by at different shutter speeds, and see what came out.  This is what I got.  The nice thing about digital cameras is that they log a lot of information about the picture in the file, so I could just open it’s properties and see what the shutter speed and f-stop was.  I printed them in the lower left corner for you all to see.

This is how far a car, going freeway speeds, travels in 1/5 of a second.  If you can convince me what kind of vehicle it is, I’ll give you a crisp $1 bill.  And remember, you can get a bigger view of any picture by clicking on it.

The rest are in order, shutter speed getting faster as you scroll down.

I like this one, not only because it’s a red Mustang, but also because the car seems to be standing still on the freeway.

Hope you have enjoyed yet another of my “why’d I do that?” photo shoots.


Mustang Sally said...

Well, "I" know why you would do that, even if you're not aware of it. Haha, however I really HATE it when someone thinks they know what I'm thinking, so let me preface this by saying I know why you might subconsciously just be prompted to do this set.

You take a lot of pictures Max. As another who has succumbed to that bug I can't tell you how many times I've abstractly wondered what settings I would have to use to get a desired, pre-determined effect.

For that reason I see this as an incredibly informational post. I know now where to find this when I'm ready to compose such a shot.

You, on the other hand will have this info stuck in your head ... because you did it. You wondered and you worked to find the answer. Those type of answers stay with you.

The short answer?
To find your way to How.

Max Sartin said...

Mustang - You got it right, sometimes I, like many other people, just wonder "how?" or "what if?". It was one of those things. I hadn't even set out to see what would happen, just walking around the park, saw how close the fence got to the freeway and the idea just come to me. And if other people can make use of the information, all the better.

young-eclectic-encounters said...

Great photo essay