Sunday, August 19, 2012

As I lay me down to sleep…


The alarm is set. 

The clothes are clean and in the drier. 

The car is aimed out the driveway and

the coffee is ready to go.

Tomorrow is the official first day of the new school year for all the teachers in my district.  A week from tomorrow the students will join us.


(ugh, 6am is way too early)


Lisa Shafer said...

Try 4:00 AM.
And it'll be midnight before I get to bed.

Kranky Granny said...

I always found it hard to return to work after a weeks vacation. I couldn't imagine having an entire summer off and then going back to work. I have family members who do it and know how hard it is for them. My SIL hated it so much she transferred to a year round school and gets the standard two weeks vacation.

Wishing you a easy transition in the new term.

Alexia said...

Have a great semester, Max!

laurak/ForestWalkArt :) said...

i can imagine how hard it must be to get up and back to work after having the summer off!
but kind of exciting too...(if you love what you do!)

as far as the getting up early body clock is so set to dawn...i even get up before sunrise on the WEEKENDS!! aaaaargh! ha