Monday, June 08, 2009

Cleanliness is......

....right after the last week of school. I've kind of neglected the household chores the last few weeks. Dishes piled up on the counter, newspapers all over the dining room table, clothes all strewn about the bedrooom floor. Ok, that last one is a constant at my house, but I usually keep the rest of the house reasonably clean. But when I got back from my meeting this morning, I looked around and thought "man, this is gross." We're talking American Slumlord Weekly gross. So I cranked up the iTunes on the computer and got to work. I won't show you the before pictures, or I just might get a full spread in the previously mentioned magazine, but here's what it looks like now:
A little cluttered maybe, but clean at least.
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Anonymous said...

The house looks great! No photos of the bedroom though... are you ashamed of your bedroom... lol
-You know who :)

Max Sartin said...

Yeah, I didn't quite get to all the laundry, so the picture is going to have to wait a day or so....

Max Sartin said...

Yeah, I didn't quite get to all the laundry, so the picture is going to have to wait a day or so....

Jannx said...

Neglected the household chores for a few weeks. Hah! Try neglecting them for a few months. I've gotten so lazy, I now buy paper plates (and paper bowls) to keep my kitchen not extremely messy.

Oh, by the way, you have a very nice house. A part of me wants to get a house, but a part of me knows that a house might be too much for me to keep up. I'm already struggling to keep a one bedroom apartment neat.

A Paperback Writer said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only teacher that lets stuff pile up during the last week of school. Okay, my clothes don't pile up in the bedroom (we all have things we can't stand, and that's one of mine), but I hadn't done any cleaning in two weeks, so I had dust bunnies dancing in corners, stacks of mail piled on the dining room table, an overflowing laundry basket, and books all over the place.
I spent all frickin' day Saturday cleaning and managed to get the bathroom, the bedroom, the study, and the hallway clean and all the laundry washed and hung to dry (I have clotheslines in the basement), but the mail is still stacked on the diningroom table and the kicthen is still cluttered with books and stuff. I'll be cleaning again tomorrow. Today I did Lagoon with the academic team (blogposts forthcoming).

Max Sartin said...

Jannx - if I didn't have a dishwasher I would have to go to the paper plate method too - stuff that needs to be hand washed can sit for weeks before I get around to it.
Writer - you are not alone. Same thing happens the week before the vacation formerly known as Christmas Break.

A Paperback Writer said...

Whoo-hoo! I got the kitchen done today!!
Diningroom table to be tackled tomorrow!

Max Sartin said...

Remember, pace yourself. You don't want to burn out too quickly...