Saturday, June 01, 2013


Some of you may not know that teaching (math) is my second career.  I was 33 when I became a full fledged teacher.

My first career was in the pizza business.  Right out of high school I started as a delivery driver for a very new local pizza place.  By the time I hit 25, I had worked my way up to General Manager of one of their 5 stores, gave that up to open up my own franchise of the company, gone bankrupt and returned to a General Manager position.  Today (literally) I’m still processing their payroll, which I’ve been doing on and off since 1980.

When I saw this on Facebook, I just had to laugh.  My two careers blended into one little Facebook blurb.  This is my own version, the pizza is from Free Wheeler, the pizza place I’ve been involved with since July of 1978.  The math is even correct, although z has been substituted for the r usually used for radius, and we normally use h for height instead of a.  But hey, that’s the beauty of variables, they can vary.

1 comment:

Lisa Shafer said...

Pizza and math are often together when young kids are learning fractions. And it just makes sense for some basic geometry, too. :)