Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is the 1 year anniversary of my L'Adunata blog. Yeah, the website, srossi.net, has been around for 5 or 6 years now, but I didn't start blogging until April 8th of 2007. That makes it 1 year and 290 posts later. A little less than 1 post a day. Anyway, thanks for dropping by every now and again, and hope to continue seeing your comments. Just for the hell of it, here's my original post....
The blog is named L'Adunata, I'm signing my posts Max and I chose the 8th of April to debut it. Got the connection?Well, I'm trying something new. Both Amy and Lisa (the friend) have their own blogs on here, so I decided to join the group. The great thing about the blog, as opposed to my site alone, is that the blog has an interactive component. You can respond to anything I post, and unless it's really bad and I nix it everyone who gets on here will be able to read it.So, I hope you'll enjoy it, respond to things and put your own mark on this site.Thanks and have a great Easter......

No, I won't be re posting it every year, just this once.

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