Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Laughed out loud.

.... One of the things I love about CSI (the original) is how they weave humor into a TV show about murder, rape and other crimes.  Today I was watching a newly downloaded episode (A Space Oddity) and it made me laugh out loud.  Literally.
.... The first few minutes of CSI they introduce the story, Grissom was famous for pulling off a cute little pun right before cutting to the credits.  In this episode two of the minor characters meet at a Star Trek convention, although they call it Astro Quest and they make no direct reference to the Star Trek characters.
.... The murder takes place on the bridge of the imaginary spaceship, a set brought along for the convention.  The two minor characters immediately identify themselves as CSI, secure the scene and call the regular Police Detective, guy named Jim Brass.  Hodges, the CSI calling Brass simply tells him that there is a situation at the convention.  When Brass asks him what it's all about, Hodges relplies:
He's dead, Jim!
Being both a CSI and Star Trek fan probably helped. 
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The Gearheads said...

Now that there's funny. I wish I could find my wave files so I could send you my "he's dead jim" wave. It's one that has DeForrest Kelley talking about the different ways he said it. The last line from it DeForrest says "It will probably say that on my headstone 'He's Dead Jim'" I would like to see if his headstone actually says it, I would hope so.

Max Sartin said...

Yeah, I was worried that without Grissom it wouldn't be as good. It has changed a bit, I'd say evolved, as it did even with Grissom, and I'm still enjoying the episodes.

A Paperback Writer said...

Nyah, I've never watched CSI, and I haven't seen a Star Trek episode since the '70s, but even I get that joke. "He's dead, Jim." and "Beam me up, Scotty." are lines that have just become part of our culture, like "Elementary, my dear Watson." (Note: that last one is only from the movies; it never actually appears in a single Sherlock Holmes story.)

Max Sartin said...

Ya learn something new every day - I didn't realize the line was not in the actual stories, that it was a movie contrivance. Cool.

A Paperback Writer said...

Well, in how many episodes does "he's dead, Jim" actually appear? Are you enough of a trekky to know? I'm sure there are people who do know.

Max Sartin said...

I have to admit, I'm not enough of a Trekkie to tell you how many episodes Bones says "He's dead, Jim" I did go to a Star Trek convention once, back when I was 12 or so. But I did not get all dressed up as a character for it.

A Paperback Writer said...

Hey, I would've dressed up. But then, I love costumes anyway.
I'm not much of a trekkie, but if I went to a Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings convention, I'd definitely be there in full glory as wizard or something.