Sunday, February 14, 2010

As Martha Stewart would put it*…

“… Meth – and that’s NOT a good thing.”  Guy comes in to buy a pack of smokes for his girlfriend.  They’re regulars, so we know he’s not buying for a minor, but he obviously doesn’t buy them too often for her.  I ring them up, tell him how much they are and, not yelling at me but just in shock, he says loudly “Holy F… S…, Six forty?  Holy F… Mother of…” and you can see where it goes from there.  I offer to take them back and refund his money, but he just goes32a918f5-09d4-450e-a225-2e2fd710be1e on, all the while walking towards the door.  “Holy blah, blah, blah, what, do these have Meth in them?”  Quite annoying, but it never felt threatening.  He’s pretty much out the door by now, so I just say “Have a good one” and then the guy I was working with and I have a good laugh about it.  He said I sounded just like the customer when I did my impression.

Which  brings me back to “Have a good one.”  It’s one of the things I say at the end of a transaction, to break up the monotony of always saying “Have a good evening.”  But, like happened tonight, it always sounds a little creepy when I say it to some teens who come in to buy condoms.




* I really can’t say what Martha Stewart would say, after all I don’t know her personally.  This is to be taken as what I would imagine she would say, and not in any way construed as me putting words in Martha Stewart’s mouth.  Just wanted to make that clear.  So, call off your lawyers, Martha.


Pedro said...

This is Martha Stewart's lawyer. You are going to be sued for using Martha's likeness or personality for personal gain if you do not cease and desist immediately. We will be seeking specific damages rather than a monetary award. If we win we will ask the court to require you to serve a year long apprentice to Martha. We hope this serves as enough of a deterent to prevent any further improper activities with respect to Martha's likeness and personality in the future.

Max Sartin said...

What if I just promise to never use her name in a post again - unless it adds a real good chuckle to the post?

A Paperback Writer said...

I had to (excuse the pun here) enlarge that photo to see it. Funny stuff. (Yes, I have a junior high sense of humor.)