.... Ok, so there are a few negative people, but after Thursday I felt even better about being where I am. Part of the isolation I was feeling is because I'm at the end of a hall with only 2 classrooms in it, and the doors aren't even right across from each other. That was alleivated when I found out that the Schmeisenhower Coffee Klatch meets at the T where my hall connects to the cross-hall. We had 7th grade orientation that day and I came out of my room to go to the office, there was 3 of the more fun teachers standing in the hall chatting. As I walked up they said hi and informed me that they like to meet right there in between classes and just chat, making it clear that I was invited to join. SCORE! Those of you who know me, know that I like to chat, especially at school. Add to that the sister of one of my best friends in high school is our half-time English teacher and the PE teacher is the wife of someone I got along well with at Granite Park, and VOILA, I feel fun in the future.
.... Ahh, yes. Remember JNCO jeans? The grandpappy of saggy pants. I actually still have a pair. They fit normally around the waist, but very, very loose otherwise. And they have big pockets. So, this kid, we'll call him Spencer, was not doing very well in math and we had a meeting with his counselor. One of the things we agreed on was that he would remember to bring his math book to class every day, something he rarely did. He was pretty good at it for a little while, then one day came when he didn't have it with him. I asked him about it and he told me he had it with him. I looked around, under his desk, on the desk behind him and it was nowhere, so I looked at him and said "so, where is it?" He stood up, stuck both hands into one of those oversized and extremely deep JNCO pockets and pulled out his math text book. I was stunned and speechless. He was gloating and triumphant. All I had left to do was laugh and thank him for remembering his book.
I loved my JNCO jeans...i had two pair, but i never tried to stick my math book in them.
I don't recall brand names, but I still occasionally see boys with notebooks in their jeans pockets.
Personally, I miss the preppy days when people wore jeans that actually fit them.....
I must be old.
I don't care for the sagging and wearing jeans that were 14 sizes too big for ya, but I did like my JNCO jeans. I still have them, although they are covered with paint and other crap because I use them as work pants now. They actually fit right around the waist area, just sort of like bell bottoms that start right below the zipper.
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