Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hard or soft shell, but not a taco.

My brother thought I’d make it to the first of May, but it was nice, sunny and above freezing (just barely) this afternoon, so I decided the Wrangler needed to shed it’s hard top and go with the soft top.  Of course, it first had to go topless for a while.

Which meant I ended up fighting the impending darkness as I struggled to put the top together for my first time.  It’s a complex process, which will be a lot easier when: a) I know what I’m doing, b) it’s light out and I don’t have to hold a flashlight with my chin to find the zipper and c) warmer.

But it’s done and now I really am ready for spring.


21 Wits said...

You can tell your brother- even my never having met you- I would say yes- you'd have your top down way before May!

Lisa Shafer said...

OK, I know it was warm enough to go without a coat today, but since your house shelters your driveway/yard from the sun that would melt that snow, it sure doesn't LOOK like it's warm enough for the soft top in those pics!
Glad you got it done, though. Here's hoping your switch doesn't curse us with another heavy snowfall, the way washing a car makes it rain.