does the general public think that it is fine to leave their messes around, expecting that someone will come clean up after them? Did their mother and father not teach them to clean up after themselves? Is it because that fourteen seconds it will take to walk over to the trash bin is so precious that they cannot afford to waste it,
or their time is just much more important than the time of the person that will have to clean up their mess? Maybe it is because those tens of calories the walk would take might leave them malnourished?
This is my Saturday Centus submission for this week – my title is the prompt. It’s entirely possible that I was inspired to join in this week because I just got off an 8 hour shift at the Chevron. Which reminds me:
Oh Max I think you rock! What a hard working (do you take time for fun too?) super hard-worker you are! I just know they appreciate all that you do....(maybe even the slobs, not that they matter) and how cool is this that you managed to get a Centus in too!
Yeah, well, 3 more shifts and I won't be working as much. Which will be nice. But I have to admit, I like the people at Chevron enough that if I need a second job again, that's the first place I'll go asking.
Yeah, well, 3 more shifts and I won't be working as much. Which will be nice. But I have to admit, I like the people at Chevron enough that if I need a second job again, that's the first place I'll go asking.
When you enjoy what you do, it isn't really work any more ....and especially when you are around good people, that's what makes it all so worth it! Plus having your darling boys, that I haven't seen here lately either!
congrats on leaving job 2, taking some time for you. We clean up after ourselves...I was raised that way and hope mine are learning as well.
Max, thanks for your comments on my posts for Saturday Centus.
Trash is a pet peeve of mine as well. I have been known to yell, "Hey!! Pick that up!!!," much to the embarrassment of my husband ( who is very neat and quiet, by the way). Some people look sheepish, but some just keep walking.
I'll be back, Max!!
Judie - thanks for dropping by, and you are welcome here any time. Those people that just keep walking amaze me - how can someone be so completely disconnected from society or so self centered that they see nothing wrong with just tossing their crap wherever is most convenient for them? Just beyond me.
This is exactly the way I feel about litterers. Just too darn lazy, I'd say, lol.
I can definitely relate to this pet peeve!
Had this tweeted to me today. You need this website!!! Go check it out:
Oh man, Max. This is one of my pet peeves.
How lazy are people. I've actually seen people BEND down and leave an empty soda can on the sidewalk!
I always grab it and follow them to say sweetly, 'Gosh, I think you lost this!'
Great use of the prompt this week.
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