Freak night at the Chevron. Must have been a full moon, because all the lunatics were out. But my goal is to focus on the positive, since people get the idea working at the Chevron is hell from my posts. Probably 'cause all I do is complain about negative stuff. But that's just me venting.

.... It was a good night, since I wasn't alone from 9 until we close, because I was training the new guy on how to close. It must have been about 10:30 when this lady comes in to get gas. She spent about 15 minutes looking for her gas card in her purse, and since she was the only customer at the time, we both chatted with her. Weather, Michael Jackson, O.J. Simpson, how she's never misplaced her gas card before, and apologies for taking so much of our time (we're there anyway, so no big deal). She couldn't find her card, so she went out to her car and looked for it there. When she comes back in, with her card, she informs us that she found it where they always say you find things: where you left it. Chuckle, chuckle. As we ring her up and run her card, she again thanks us profusely for being so patient with her. In the middle of signing the slip for us, she looks up and asks "Are you guys angels?" Dumbfounded we just stare, two seconds pass. She states "You guys are angles!", hands us the signed receipt and goes on her way.
.... We laughed (in an appreciative way) about that all the way until the guy came in and asked us how long it would take Verizon to restart his phone.
Freak night??? And it wasn't even a Thursday. Next we're gonna find cats and dogs living together in sin, Merrill Cook winning the Governor's seat, and Bush saying something intelligent.
Ok, freaks out on a night other than thursday isn't THAT unbelievable...
And you forgot Super Dell Schanze as mayor of Salt Lake City....
So, were you "angels" or "angles"?
As a math teacher, you should definitely be the latter, I think -- at least if you do anything with geometry or trig.
No, it's definitely angel. My stint teaching geometry was short lived, it's back to prealgebra and algebra. But I loved the pun.
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