My little brother and his wife are big car fanatics, something I just can't understand. They belong to a couple of car groups in the area and are simultaneously restoring a 1968 Ford F250 and a 1969 Mercury Cougar convertible. Silly them. Anyway, they now have their own blog, and if you want to go visit it, all you have to do is click on the picture....Welcome to the Blogging community Gearheads.
- Max
I know old cars are really more your thing, but you really ought to drop by my friend Zak's blog (okay, his girlfriend does the actual blogging; he paints all the cars) just to look at their car photos. I'm not even a car nut, and I think there's some amazing car artwork going on on that site.
Go check out a few photos:
Yeah, some nice stuff. Definitly worth checking out...
Cool! Now I have a place to pick on Zelba and Lioness!
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