Monday, August 04, 2008

Cleaning up old eMails...

And I found this video (rated G, nothing bad about it). See if you can get it right, I even had to go back to the beginning to see they weren't messing with my mind....


Jannx said...

A very cool video. I also had to replay it.

laninaki said...

Totally random, but I totally watched this today and had to go back and re-watch once to make sure I'm not a total retard. Turns out I kinda am.

Max Sartin said...

Well, naki-naki, you weren't the only one that had to replay it. It makes it's point well, though. We were so busy watching the white team passing the ball that we completely missed a freakin' dancing bear coming through. Strenghtens my stand against cell phones and driving.

A Paperback Writer said...

Believe it or not, since I didn't really care how many shots the team made, I actually thought, "Hey, why's that guy in the fuzzy suit in there?" I didn't see him walk in until they replayed it, and I never did count how many passes they made.
So, I guess the moral of the story is: if you pay attention to the moonwalking bears/cyclists, you miss out on what's really going on, like passing/driving.