Thursday, August 07, 2008

AARP, the finger and Olex Manufacturing....

First of all, I'm oficially old. Or at lease I will be in two years when I'm eligible for an AARP card (American Association of Retired Persons). Yeah, my older brother told me that he got us a good deal on our hotel room for our Boston trip by using his AARP discount. Nice! The really nice thing is that we get free walker rentals while we stay there.....

Today I spent the afternoon at a church camp for abused and neglected kids. It was the last full day of their summer camp for these kids, and they celebrate with kind of a carnival. I was in charge of the huge bouncy slide. It was a lot of fun, except for helping to set up and tear down the blow-up slide and obstacle course. Those things are heavy. I mean really heavy. It took 4 of us to roll the smaller one up onto the truck, we had at least 8 working on the slide. And I'm sore. But it's all worth it when a 9 year old whose life has not been the best looks at you and thanks you, by name, for being there so they could play on the slide.

Anyway, on my way to my brother's house to ride up to the camp with a group from church, this curly-haired witch in a white 4-door Nissan zips a right turn through a red light directly in front of me, causing me to slam on my brakes and come within inches of her bumper. Now, normally this wouldn't warrant even mentioning on here, even though there was absolutly nobody behind me, meaning this was to get one car ahead. No, this warrants mentioning because even though I did not blare my horn at her, even though I did not flash my lights or shake my fist or curse, swear or flip her the bird, she flipped me off when she turned right a block later and I passed her. Yeah, she flipped me off, like instead of coming close to her back bumper I should have slammed into a parked car rather than startle her. I don't know what her motivation was, but I swear I didn't honk, wave my hand at her or curse (other than under my breath - the window was up, she wouldn't have heard if I did). Again, it seems I have no right to drive on the roads getting in the way of these other, more important, people.

And finally, on the ride up to the camp we start talking about Opie, Obama and Oprah, and my older brother decides that to bercome a mover and a shaker, he's going to change his name to start with an "O" like the rest of these people. Olex. Well, as we're driving around the reservior we notice that someone is having a HUGE barbeque, it happens to be the Outdoor Retailers Convention. This is where the logo comes in, because bro wants to crash the barbeque, telling them that we're from Olex Manufacturing. Well, it was funny at the time, and I had fun making up the logo, so I just had to put it on here. And that's it for today, except REUNION TOMORROW!

1 comment:

Jannx said...

Wow, all the more reason for me to stay off the road. I would be a basketcase, if I had to deal with the crazy ladies (and men) behind the wheel of a car.