Tuesday, July 08, 2008

It's the end of the world as we know it.....

He's the conservative Representative candidate in the reddest county in the reddest state in the United States. And if I lived in his district, I think I'd vote for him. (Are you still with me, need a minute to absorb that?). Jason Chaffetz beat out Rep. Chris Cannon in the Republican primaries this year. I've already read several articles that mention this put a scare throughout the incumbents in Washington, political analysts believe that it signals the American public is tired of the same-old, same-old. Anyway, here are the quotes in the Salt Lake Tribune today that make me wish I could vote for this guy:
  • "The establishment it broken...My complaint about Republicans in general is that what they say and what they do is often two different things."
  • He says they claim to be the party of fiscal responsibility, but are responsible for the explosion of pork-barrel spending and the rising deficit
  • He also criticizes the Republican party for supporting No Child Left Behind, failing to create a coherent energy policy and failing to do anything about illegal immigration.

Of course he is a politician, but then again, to what political advantage could he be looking for by slamming the Republicans when running in Utah county? Something to think about, anyway.


A Paperback Writer said...

It's okay, though, because Utah still has Chris Butthead, so we can rest assured that there will long be at least one GOP person to justify the existence of a lynch mob, even if it turns out that this new guy is human....
(And you know I vote for people, not parties. I've voted for Republicans before. it's just been a while....)

Max Sartin said...

Yeah, I've crossed party lines before, and I'll probably vote for Huntsman next time he's up for election, but for a conservative from Utah County? That scares me.

A Paperback Writer said...

Hey, but anyone who's against NCLB at least has my attention, if not my vote.

Max Sartin said...

NCLB and he realizes that although the Democrats may be tax & spend,t eh Republicans are borrow and spend. Frankly, in the long run, tax & spend is better for our country.

Utah said...

Nice photo.
You want someone that isn't a rubber stamp. He was being nice, as one of the reasons we voted Cannon out was that he would vote for bills he didn't support. It was getting old watching him try to explain why the world was better because he voted for the bill at the same time telling you he didn't support it.

I voted for Jason. He is not scary. Some of those that you see running for things are. Jason is smart, and listens. Don't we need someone representing Utah and not the other way around?

Max Sartin said...

The "End of the World" comment is in reference to the fact that I tend to be liberal and vote Democrat, not that I thought Jason was scary. If I lived in Utah county I would probably vote for him because I like his independence, the fact that he thinks for himself and doesn't just do what the "powers that be" tell him to.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to see that we can have politicians who don't cave in to their party. We need more, a LOT more. Rallying around party "leaders" is idiotic when they are choking us to death. More common sense please, and less following blindly those who have proven untrustworthy (which is just about all politicos). I don't care what letter comes after your name - D/R/L.

Max Sartin said...

Matt, I have to agree with you 100%. Even though I tend to lean towards the Democrats, I quickly agree that they are every bit as bad as the Republicans. The sad truth in politics today is that one has to choose between their opinion of the lesser of two evils. I do not wholeheartedly support Barack Obama, but McCain, in my opinion, s by far the greater of the two evils. Give me someone actually good to vote for, and I don't care what their party is, they'll have my vote.

A Paperback Writer said...

Whoa, Max! You blog about a maverick Republican, and you get all kinds of new people commenting on your blog!
You know what brings out all kinds of commentors on my blog? Every time I blog about the Twilight book series. I did a book review of it a frickin' year ago, and I still get comments on it (two this week).
Well, now you've got Republicans from Utah county frequenting your blog. Whoda thunk that?!
Sure, it all makes sense why, but it's still a bit odd that you (that most Provo residents would just as soon NOT have in their neighborhoods) are suddenly being courted by happy valley types. That is just weirdness. Very funny.
Strange things are afoot at the Circle K, Dude.

Max Sartin said...

Well, the weirdness all started with a Utah County Republican who isn't happy as a Presidential and Republican policy lackey. When you add the fact the voters overwhelmingly supported this free thinking Republican, the weirdness escalates. I think 'weirdness' is going to be the buzz word for this election season, when Utah County is sick of the Republican status-quo, then you know that something is definitly afoot at the Circle K. (May you rest in peace, George Carlin)

Max Sartin said...

And it's kind of nice to see new faces around this place. The more people commenting, the merrier.... thanks y'all