Thursday, April 30, 2009


2 years of work wrapped up in a 15 minute presentation - and that included the Q&A period.  I'm done, I watched them sign the papers as they congradulated me.  I can't beleive it's over, yet I feel unnervingly relaxed anyway.  Thanks for listening and commenting and all the support over the last 2 years.  WHEW! I'm done.

post signature


naptime nostalgia said...


A Paperback Writer said...

And there was much rejoicing, and eating of fruit bats and breakfast cereals and...
That's enough, Bro. Maynard.

Seriously, I'm glad you've got yourself something positive out of the last couple of weeks. So, go out and party like it's 1999, eh?

The Gearheads said...

Congratulations bro. Much hard work, and there's your payment.

Jannx said...

Congratulations!!! I hope you're planning a reward for yourself (or a celebration).

Jeff said...

Wow, awesome! Congratulations!

jmpnmark said...

Congratulations this is quite an achievement!

Its just a matter of time before the money starts rolling in. Imagine going to a restaurant that doesn't have a dollar menu.