Ok, somebody wasn't paying attention when they were leaving the parking lot up at the U where I have my classes. Usually when you hit a curb, you think "Hmm, maybe I ought to stop?" not "Hmm, maybe I ought to hit the gas and try to get over it?" My opinion is that she was on the phone when it happened, but then again I have to admit a bias against driving and phones. It could have as easily been that she hit the gas when she meant to hit the brake. I don't know. But I do know that the car is resting right on the frame, and the exaust system. Although I do find it a little bit amusing, I also have to say I feel for her - unless she really was on the phone.....
Just had a break in class, went out to check on the progress. Got out there just in time to see her drive away - the tow truck that lifted the front end over the ledge was still there. Well, I'm glad she didn't totally mess up the car, but I still think she's gonna have exaust problems in the future.
I'm cool with your phone assumption, but not with your gender assumption. I've seen plenty of incredibly stupid male drivers too. (Just wait till I tell you about the idiot I had to drive behind last Friday on the way home....)
Yeah, but the gender was not an assumption. When I went out to take the pictures I saw the driver. She was a 20-something blond co-ed pacing back and forth, talking on the cell phone and repeatedly looking under the car.
Well, if you'd just SAID that to begin with, the story wouldn't have sounded so sexist.
Eh, guess I just didn't think about it. I just figured everyone would know I had seen the driver - 'cause I'll be the first to admit that men can be every bit as stupid in their vehicles. Stupidity in the human race crosses all boundries : gender, age, race, soci-economic status and geographic location. Constants in the human condition. We eat, sleep, bleed and are stupid.
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