Friday, January 23, 2009

Bring it on....

I woke up this morning and had to use a machete to get to the car the air was so thick.  For the last couple of days the news has been telling me that we've had the worst air in the country.  And the LTD's have been sitting ignored in the garage.
So this afternoon when a student told me that it was raining heavily outside, all I could think was "thank God" and "I hope it's enough to clear out this gunk."  Well, it did a so-so job of clearing out the valley, but bigger storms are headed our way.  And I couldn't be happier.  Bring it on.
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(I didn't take the picture, I got it off the internet)


The Gearheads said...

Nice pic.. Where was that taken?

Max Sartin said...

Well, even though Mr. Gearhead and I talked it over on the phone, I'll respond here too.
I didn't take the picture, I pulled it off Google. We tried to figure out where it was taken and came up with 2 possibilities. Mr. Gearhead thinks it was taken up East Canyon, way up at the top where you can see the Salt Lake valley, and I think it was taken up above the Capitol building. Neither of us was sure enough to discount the other's guess, so unless someone out there has a better idea, we're stuck with our two theories, and the possibility that we're both wrong.